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How to Learn Spark

Have you ever come across a data-processing task? Or, do you ever wonder how terabytes of data are processed and stored in distributed storage systems? Such tasks require a powerful, intelligent management solution to help reduce costs and increase efficiency. Spark is one such open-source distributed computing solution — it helps quickly store and process Big Data. In

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How to Learn Data Analytics

Data is everywhere on the internet. This web page is full of data. When you send an email, you create data. Some people and businesses collect data for a specific purpose and analyze their findings using data analytics. Such data can help businesses and individuals solve problems, answer questions, and improve their websites and services. In this guide,

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How to Learn TensorFlow

Most discussions about machine learning tools end up mentioning TensorFlow, a tool developed by Google. This tool, used by beginners and experts alike, comes with a range of libraries that are useful for machine and deep learning. In this guide, we show you how to learn TensorFlow. We begin by discussing what you need to know about this

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How to Learn R Programming

R is well known in the data science community. This language is perfect for clearing and analysing data, visualising data, and other tasks that relate to working with data. Using this language allows you to go from having a raw dataset to deriving insights hidden within the data you have. In this guide, we talk about what you

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How to Learn Julia

Julia, which started development in 2009, is today a popular programming language. Julia is used by millions of data science and statistical computing developers around the world. The programming language is dynamic because it is designed with efficiency in mind. How do you learn Julia? That is the question we are going to address in this article. First,

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