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How to Craft a Data Analyst Resume

So you want to be a data analyst?

In the trending tech field, pursuing a career as a data analyst can be a great option for high earning potential and job growth. If you’ve got a passion and experience in working with numbers and large amounts of information, this career path can fit you well.

You’ve got the experience. You’ve passed your class. You’ve demonstrated you have what it takes to thrive in the field. Now, it’s your chance to put that credibility into writing. 

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Submitting a resume is a standard step in searching for new career opportunities. With it, you can catch the eye of an employer and communicate how you’re the best fit for the job. 

To help you get started, here we share what you can expect in a data analyst role and best practices as you move forward in crafting your resume that is sure to set a great first impression and lead to that all-important interview. 

What Is a Data Analyst? 

As the name suggests, a data analyst is intricately involved in the gathering, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data for effective use. While the exact job description will vary based on the specific organization you’re looking into, it often includes responsibilities relating to data science and data analytics you’ll use to add value to the organization. 

A data analyst is skilled in problem-solving and answering questions using research and evidence to guide their next steps. They rely on the collected and analyzed data to propose solutions to a problem or suggest some enhancement with a website, software, or another program. 

Start Writing Your Data Analyst Resume

Now that you’re convinced a data analyst is a career for you, you can intentionally craft your resume to match your ambitions. Whether you’re looking for that first opportunity or are seeking to make a switch to the career path you’re passionate about, a resume is often that first step.

When applying for data analyst positions, you’ll want to customize your resume to meet the job description. Try not to have exact same resume for every single job you apply for, even if it’s a similar role. Customize your resume to align with what each hiring organization is looking for. 

While there’s no one right way to craft your resume, there are some helpful best practices that can increase your chances of establishing a good impression when your name slides across the hiring manager’s desk. Most resumes contain a few key sections that organizations want to know about as they determine if you’re the right fit for their needs. These sections may vary based on what content you have to offer, and resume templates can be highly valuable as you explore the right approach you should take. 

Laptop and note sheet for resume writing
Crafting a well-organized resume creates a positive first impression for the organization you hope to join.

Here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind as you write your resume for that job in data analysis. 

Contact Information

Remember to always include your basic contact information—clearly presented and easy to reference. Most resumes contain your name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and social profile such as the link to your LinkedIn site. 

Resume Objective

This sentence or short paragraph is a quick snapshot of who you are and your purpose for sharing this professional resume. This section should be straightforward and give the hiring manager a good initial idea of who you are and if the rest of your resume is worth reading. Try to weave in some of your key skills or experiences without coming off as too repetitive or overbearing in the context of your next sections. 

Skills Section 

Like most careers, data analysts are required to be equipped with a certain skill set to be effective in their roles. A hiring manager may be looking for specific technical skills to ensure you’ve got the knowledge to do your job well. These key skills often include requirements like programming languages, data visualization, and other competencies in platforms like Microsoft Excel. 

But your resume should highlight more than just those industry-specific requirements. The hiring manager will also want to see your success as a team player and an agreeable employee. Don’t forget to list other skills like effective communication and critical thinking that highlight your ability to work well within an organization. 

When listing out your skills, it’s helpful to be specific about your accomplishments and confirm that you’re credible and the best choice for the position. 

Experience Section 

Whether you’re just starting out in your tech career or have years of experience in data analysis, be sure to include your career and other professional experiences in your resume. Share your role, the organization you worked for, the timeframe in which you worked, and some key responsibilities that tie to the posted job description. 

Since you probably shouldn’t list every single job you’ve held since you could start working, just include relevant experiences that demonstrate your credibility as a data analyst. Even if you’ve never worked as a data analyst, sharing relevant career history in technology or in other roles and highlighting those skills can help establish yourself as someone ready to step into this data analyst role. 

In addition to career experiences, it’s also important to incorporate your education experience in your resume. Note the degrees and other relevant certifications you’ve earned that can help to enhance your position as a qualified data analyst. 


Advance Your Analysis Experience 

You’ve got the experience. Now it’s time to take your next step in landing that job opportunity as a data analyst. As you start with crafting your resume, keep these helpful tips in mind to present yourself well in this important hiring stage. 

With intention and focus, you can get on your way to moving up the career ladder and serving organizations well as an analyst. 

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